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Introducing Nature's Answer Essential Oils
Enjoy the distinct advantages and subtle nuances of nature's own enhancing aromatic essential oils, each providing unique comforting benefits.
Nature’s Answer 100% pure Organic Essential Oils deliver liberating and soothing support for health and wellness.
Essential oils help nurture and reawaken your senses...they're naturally uplifting and powerful.
These fragrant and penetrating oils are carefully distilled from flowers, fruits, leaves, bark and roots to yield the wonderful healing properties only nature can provide.
As a pioneer in botanical extract technology since 1972, Natures Answer supplies 100% pure, certified organic, therapeutic grade essential oils.
Advanced Botanical Fingerprint Technology
The Genius of Mother Nature in Every Bottle -Just as She Intended
Add a few drops to a cotton ball, soft tissue, into a diffuser or small pot of boiling water...inhale gently.
To use topically: Blend a few drops with your favorite lotion or with a carrier oil such as avocado, coconut, evening primrose, jojoba or sesame.
Organic melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) leaf oil.
Keep out of reach of children. Eternal use only. Keep away from eyes and mucous membranes. Do not apply undiluted directly on skin. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications, planning any medical procedure or have a medical condition, consult with your healthcare practitioner before use.
Store in a cool dry place.
Превосходное масло! После работы я очень устаю, а это настоящее спасение. Хватает лишь капельки в водичку добавить, как сразу же становится лучше. Настроение поднимается в миг. Пользуюсь почти каждый день, нет никакого вреда, только польза!) Сразу чувствуется натуральность продукта и его польза для организма.
Данный интернет-сайт и материалы, размещенные на нем носят исключительно информационный характер и ни при каких условиях не являются публичной офертой.