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With the unique ScentBall aromatherapy diffuser, you may now enjoy the pleasant fragrance of essential oils as well as their therapeutic effects at any moment, in any room where there is an electrical outlet.
Create your own aromatherapy environment with these oils:
... or simply mix several different oils onto one pad for a personalized aromatherapy effect.
Instructions for Aromatherapy:
Place 10-20 drops of your favorite essential oil onto the ScentBall diffuser pad and slide the saturated pad under the grill of the diffuser. Plug in the diffuser and enjoy the aromatherapy of plant extracts. Refresh the reusable cotton pad with one or more essential oils to create a unique aromatherapeutic experience.
Данный интернет-сайт и материалы, размещенные на нем носят исключительно информационный характер и ни при каких условиях не являются публичной офертой.