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Skin Gel by Aloe Life is a superior soothing topical aloe vera product for the whole family! Made from the fresh juice of the WL aloe vera certified ActivAloe and organic (not powdered) it contains the valuable yellow sap used by the ancients with added herbal extracts plus vitamins A, C, E and more. Skin Gel is the ultimate skin treatment working fast as a skin conditioner and moisturizer. The unique aloe process reserves critical natural occurring constituents (not over-filtered) that support the body's skin to look and feel great from head to toe! Popular for face, scalp, hands, feet, hair, body and even vaginal dryness. Even safe for brushing teeth and gums and useful for after sports and outdoor activities.
Cleanse desired area and apply a thin layer - less is best! Repeat as desired 2-3 times per day and before applying a lotion (astringent properties).
Caution: For children or sensitive people conduct a skin test on the underarm before applying to a large area.
Данный интернет-сайт и материалы, размещенные на нем носят исключительно информационный характер и ни при каких условиях не являются публичной офертой.