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Originated from the rich volcanic soil of Hachi Jo Island in Japan, the growth of Ashitaba is promoted by the warm tropical current known as black tide. It is a perennial plant in celery family. With its uncanny ability to reproduce green sterms and leaves, Ashitaba earned its name as the leaf of tomorrow. In the Edo era of Japan, Ashitaba was documented as a Treasure Plant. Local residents of Hachi Jo Island refer to Ashitaba as the longevity herb, attribute their unusual healthfulness to the continual consumption of Ashitaba in their diet. Recent scientific research discovered a rare element Chalcones, a class of potent flavonoid compounds, is present in Ashitaba.
Launched in 1989, Percent Ashitaba Tea contains Hachi Jo Island grown Ashitaba provided by Ashitaba Manufacture Factory, Co., Ltd. in Japan, and is manufactured under certified CGMP authority in Taiwan with its exclusive roasting technology
Pour 600-800 cc of boiling water over the tea bag in a thermos or cup. Let it brew for approximately 5 minutes. Ashitaba tea is also superb as a cold beverage by simply adding ice.
Dried ashitaba root, leaf and stem.
The product is pH balanced, caffeine free, no additive and preservatives.
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